Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Bull Shark is a Massive Animal

The Bull sharks are large sharks can reach a length of 3.5 meters and weighing more than 315 kg. The females are usually larger than males. The body is compact with a short and wide muzzle that give the appearance of a rather blunt. Relatively small eyes and body without the lines in between. The first dorsal fin is large and has a triangular shape. It is usually 3.2 times higher second dorsal fin. Sports bull shark that grayish color above and white belly. Fins have dark tips are very visible in the shark teenagers. Bull shark teeth on the triangle and saw-edged. The Bull Shark is known to be the oldest 32 years.

Bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, is known by several other names, including Shark River, Estuary Whaler, Freshwater Whaler, Swan River Whaler, Ground shark, slipway Grey, Zambezi and Shovelnose. There are only six species of the world famous shark can live in both salt and fresh water: Borneo River Shark (sp Glyphis B.), The Irrawaddy river shark (Glyphis siamensis), New Guinea river shark (C. sp Glyphis), yu Ganges (Glyphis gangeticus), shark Speartooth (Glyphis glyphis) and Bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas). Bull sharks are the most common of the six species and is found in many parts of the world.

In the Western Atlantic, you can find Bull shark off the coast of Massachusetts, United States and south to Brazil. On the east side of Bull sharks live in the Atlantic off the coast of Morocco and from Senegal to Angola. Bull sharks are also found in the Indo-West Pacific where it inhabits the territory of Kenya and South Africa to India, and then to the waters around Australia and Vietnam. In the West side of the continent of South America and North-live bull shark south of Baja California in Mexico and down to Ecuador. Bull sharks may also have been seen off the coast of Peru, but this has yet to be confirmed.

Bull sharks have chosen to remain close to the coast and live in shallow waters, such as bays and estuaries. To be able to survive in fresh water often will swim rivers and streams, and can even enter the lake. Bull shark young especially found fresh water and are sometimes found hundreds of miles from the sea in rivers and streams. Bull sharks prefer adult area where the river flows into the sea, such as river deltas and estuaries. Bull shark rarely dive deeper than 30 m and are usually found in shallow waters where the depth far only a few meters. This preference for shallow waters very close to the beach and bay silence means that Bull sharks should share their habitat with humans in most of the world. This is also why the Bull shark is considered to be one of the most dangerous shark species and has been involved in a series of attacks on humans. Bull sharks must always approach with caution, and should not be approached and bothered at all if possible. His reputation as an animal feed human devil but really do not deserve.

Bull sharks hunt alone and feed mainly on bony fishes and other sharks. Small Sandbar shark is very popular, but Bull sharks are opportunistic and will eat a variety of foods, including rays, sea turtle, mammal carcasses, mantis shrimp, squid, crabs, sea urchins, sea snails and even garbage.

A Bull shark will reach sexual maturity when it is between 8 and 10 years. Bull shark breeding methods are vivipar. Eggs are fertilized in the female Bull shark and grow in him, receive nutrition from the yolk-sac placenta. After a gestation period of around 10 or 11 months she gave birth to puppies alive. During courtship, the male and female Bull shark grabbed the girl so that it will always have scars on their bodies courtship. Men almost always a bull shark without battle scars. A litter usually consists of 1-13 calves and young Bull sharks are usually around 60 cm long at birth. Depending on the timing of female Bull shark habitat. For example, female Bull shark live from Nicaragua can give birth throughout the year, with the number of births peaked in the spring and early summer. Bull sharks women living off the coast of South Africa on the other hand just want to create in late spring or early summer. The same is true for female Bull shark living in the western North Atlantic off Florida or the Gulf of Mexico. The minimum population doubling time for shark Bull over 14 years.

Bull sharks are a strong fish that can be successfully kept in captivity and are often found in public aquariums. It is also hunted for human consumption. Meat is eaten fresh, frozen or smoke, while the fins are popular in shark fin soup. Other parts of the Bull sharks are also used, such as a change hide into leather, liver oil and waste appreciated for carcasses that are commonly used to produce fish meal. It is also often caught in the fishing industry without a true target species. Bull sharks are particularly vulnerable to human impacts because they want to live close to the land and share the same habitat as we do. The average size of the shark Bull shark caught by Hall Christmas has been reduced and there is some concern about the status of the Bull shark, but only considered low risk - near threatened by CITES, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Bull sharks but are included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. (IUCN today changed its name from "International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources" for "World Conservation Union", but the acronym is still used for the IUCN Red List.)

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