Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bald Eagle The Air Predator Animal

The Bald Eagle is also known as the American bald eagle or just American Eagle. Common names of birds', as well as the scientific name Haliaeetus leucocephalus, is derived from white feathers from head characteristics displayed by adult eagles. A Bald Eagle is not exactly brave, but heads bright white contrast against a dark body. The second part of the scientific name, leucocephalus, is derived from the Greek word for white, leukos, and said to the head, kephale. The first part of the scientific name, Haliaeetus, is a Latin word meaning New albatross.

In 1782, the Second Continental Congress officially stated Bald Eagle National Emblem United States. The rationale behind the choice of a few. The Bald Eagle is endemic to the continent of North America and can be found elsewhere in the world. That's also been a traditional symbol of freedom, spirit and pursuit of excellence. Ben Franklin, but suggests that the wild turkey would be a better choice, because it thought the eagle to be a bad moral character.

The Bald Eagle is one of the largest birds in North America. An adult bald eagle will be around 29-42 inches, has a wing span of 6-8 meters, and weighs 7 to 15 pounds. The Bald Eagles females grow larger than males. You can also see the difference in size between the Bald Eagles that are in different geographical areas. The Bald Eagles south tend to be smaller than their counterparts in the north.

A newly hatched Bald Eagle will have a light gray color that change color to dark brown while the chicken is still in the nest. Staining will usually completely brown after 12 weeks when the young Bald Eagle ready to fly. During the third and fourth years, the Bald Eagle will feature a speckled brown and white fur, tail, head and breast, and under his wings. White head and tail feathers from which its name is derived species will not grow up to Bald Eagle is 4-5 years. During the same period, beak and eyes dark brown birds will shift color and turn yellow.

Bald Eagles form a lifelong relationship with their partner and only search for a new mate if their partner dies. This means that they can stay together for a very long time, since Bald Eagle wild can live up to 40 years. They can grow even older in captivity. Bold Eagle couple will build a large nest together in a tall tree and return to the same nest each year. If nests were destroyed, they will usually build a new nest close to the old one. Each year, the Bald Eagle couple will make their nests even bigger by adding new building materials. It is not uncommon for a five meter nest to finally turn into the nest ten feet wide. Eagle will use twigs, grass, moss and feather soft to line their nests.

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