Monday, December 31, 2012

Asiatic Lion Endangered Species Animal

Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica), also known as the Indian lion, is a subspecies of lion that there is a single isolated population in the state of Gujarat India. It is listed as endangered by the IUCN based on a small population size. The lion population has continued to increase in the Gir Forest National Park, more than doubled from a low of 180 people in 1974 to a level of 411 people consisting of 97 adult males, 162 adult females, 75 sub-adults, and 77 children to April 2010.

Asiatic lion was first described by zoologists Meyer Austria under trinomen Felis leo persicus. This is one of the five big cats found in India, apart from the Bengal tiger, Indian leopard, snow leopard and clouded leopard. This previously occurred in Persia, Mesopotamia, Baluchistan, from Sind in the west to Bengal in the east, and from Rampur and Nerbudda Rohilkund in the north to the south. This is different from African lions by Bula hearing about increases, large tails and manes bunch of poorly developed.

The most striking morphological character, who always looks at Asiatic lion, but rare in African lion, is walking along the longitudinal skin folds his stomach. Asiatic lion is slightly smaller than African lions. Adult males weigh 160-190 kg (350-420 lb), while females weigh 110 to 120 kg (240-260 lb). At shoulder height is approximately 3.5 ft (110 cm) [9]. The total length of record male Asiatic lion is 2.92 m (115 in), including tail.

Rate feather in color from reddish-brown, highly decorated with black, to sandy or buffish-gray, sometimes with a silver sheen in certain lights. Only males have manes modest growth at the top of the head, so that their ears are always visible. Mane minimal on the cheeks and throat with only 4 in (10 cm) long. Approximately half of the Asiatic lion skulls from Gir forest was divided infraorbital foramina, whereas the African lion, there is only one foramen on both sides. More strongly developed sagittal crest, and the post-orbital region shorter than the African lion. Skull length in adult male range 330-340 mm (13 to 13 in), and in females 292-302 mm (11.5 to 11.9 in).

Compared with African lion population, revealed a number of Asiatic lions decreases biochemical genetic variation, which may result from the founder in recent history from the rest of the population in Gir Forest.

The Gir National Park and Sanctuary in Western Gujarat is the only habitat for the Asiatic lions of 1,412.1 km2 (545.2 sq mi) is expressed as a refuge for their conservation in 1965. Then, the national park of 258.71 km2 (99.89 sq mi) is established where there is no human activity is allowed. In the surrounding sanctuary Maldharis only have the right to graze their livestock.

Populations recovered from the brink of destruction to 411 people in 2010. They occupy forest habitats in the two systems waste Gir and Girnar hill which consists of the largest Gurajat channel dry autumn forest, thorn forest and savanna and provide valuable habitat for a variety of flora and fauna. Five protected areas currently exist to protect the Asiatic lion: Gir Sanctuary, Gir National Park, Pania Sanctuary, Sanctuary Mitiyala, and Girnar Sanctuary.

The first three forms of protected areas is Gir Conservation Area (561 sq mi) 1,452 km2 of forest block is the core habitat of the Asiatic lion. Two other holy places, Mitiyala and Girnar, protect satellite districts spread within Gir Conservation Area. An additional sanctuary was established in the near Barda forest to serve as an alternative home for Gir lions. The eastern part of the dry savannah with acacia thorn plants and receives about 650 mm (26 in) of annual rainfall, rainfall is higher in the west about 1,000 mm (39 in) per year.

Asiatic lions live in prides. Average pride size, measured by the total adult female, tend to be smaller than African lions: most Gir prides contain only two adult females, with a five largest. The combination of male defended tour that contains one or more groups of women, but unlike African lions, Gir males generally associated with women their pride only when mating or on a large kill. A lower level of charity in Gir lion may be a function of smaller prey available to them: the species most frequently taken (45% of kills are known), this Chital, weighs only about 50 kg (110 lb).

In 2010, about 105 lions, consisting of 35 males, 35 females, 19 subadults, and 16 children are outside Gir forest, represent a full quarter of the entire lion population. Increased satellite lion populations may represent saturation lion population in Gir forest and subsequent dissemination of sub-adults are forced to find new areas outside their natal pride. Over the last two decades, satellite districts become sustainable, self-reliant population as evidenced by his presence since 1995.

In general, the lion more large prey species in the weight range 190-550 kg (420 to 1,200 lb) regardless of their availability. But they dominated to take the victim substantially less than this, reflecting the opportunistic behavior of their hunt. During this period they prefer species that weighs 350 kg (770 lb), which is far greater than the weight of the largest recorded lion. Group hunting lion strategy allows very large prey items to be taken. Hunting success of lions hunting is influenced by the size and composition of the group, hunting methods used and by environmental factors such as grass and bush cover, time of day, month and field presence.

Domestic cattle historically been a key component of the Gir lion diet '. In 1974, the Forestry Department estimates the population of wild animal claws 9650 people. This population is growing consistently in subsequent studies, reaching 31,490 in 1990 and 64,850 in 2010, consisting of 52,490 spotted deer, wild boars, 4440, 4000 sambar, blue-silver 2890, Chinkara 740, and 290 four-horned deer. Thus, in the last four decades, the population of wild ungulates increased more than ten times. In contrast, domestic buffaloes and cattle population decreased this settlement, mostly due to direct elimination of livestock population of Gir Conservation Area.

Animal population of 24,250 inhabitants in 1970 dropped to 12,500 in the mid-1980s, but increased to 23,440 animals in the year 2010. After the changes in both predator and prey community, Asiatic lions shifted their predasi pattern. Today, kill livestock very little going on in the holy place, and not the most prevalent in the peripheral villages. In and around the Gir forest, depreciation records show that the lion killed on average per year between 2023 cattle, 2005, and 2009 and an additional 696 people in the satellite area.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Wild Life West African Lion

West African lions (Panthera leo senegalensis) is a subspecies of the lion, native West Africa. Recent genetic studies indicate that the West and Central African lion form a different clade of the lion and the lion may have more to Asia than lions from southern or eastern Africa. Genetic specificity is particularly interesting, because regional endangered lions in West Africa.

Lions from western and central Africa is believed to be smaller than a lion from South Africa. It also suggests that they have smaller manes, live in small groups, and they may also differ in the shape of their skull. In the district Pendjari National Park, located in the West African region lion, almost all men who maneless or have very weak manes.

West African lions circulated in West Africa south of the Sahara from Senegal in the west to the Central African Republic to the east. Other subspecies (Pl azandica) or traditional Lion Northeastern Congo is described from northeastern DRK. Lions are rare in West Africa and can be Critically Endangered in the region. West African lions in captivity relatively rare as well. In 2006 there were only 13 animals, registered in the name of P. l. senegalensis.

There may be only 450 to 1.300 lions living in West Africa. In addition, there are about 550 to 1.550 in Central Africa. In both areas, the area occupied by the lion has been reduced to less than 15% of the historical area.

Largest West African lion population is found in the so-called WAP-Complex, a large system of protected areas designed especially by Arli, Pendjari, and W National Park in the countries of Burkina Faso, Benin, and Nigeria. Total population in the ecosystem is comprised between 140 and 300 lions. 100-400 other large population found in the ecosystem Benoue lion in Cameroon. Smaller populations in other reseves, like Niokolo-Koba National Park in Senegal, Guinea, Mali Protected Areas in Guinea, and Waza National Park in Cameroon.

In Nigeria, there is a small population remaining two, one in Kainji Lake National Park, which comprises around 24 lions, and one in Yankari Game Reserve, which comprises around 15. Residents in Kainji Lake may be connected with that of WAP-Complex. There may not be a lion live in the Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast and Ghana.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, there are about 60 lions in the Virunga National Park and about 100 in the Garamba National Park, respectively. However, the lions are out of range, originally described for the West African lion.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Lion The King of Animal

Lion (Panthera leo) is one of four big cats in the genus Panthera, and a member of the family Felidae. With some males exceeding 250 kg (550 lb) weight, it is the second largest living cat after the tiger. Wild lions currently exist in sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia (where the waste is endangered population in Gir Forest National Park in India), while the other type lion had disappeared from North Africa and Southwest Asia in historic times. Until the end of the Pleistocene, about 10,000 years ago, the lion was the most mammal large land area after man. They are found in most of Africa, across Eurasia from western Europe to India, and in America from the Yukon to Peru. Lion is vulnerable species, having seen a large population decline of 30-50% over the last two decades [date missing] in the African region. Lion population can not be maintained beyond the appointed proposal and national parks. Although the cause of the decline is not fully understood, habitat loss and conflicts with humans are currently the greatest causes of concern. In Africa, especially West African lion population is threatened.

Lions live 10-14 years in the wild, while in captivity they can live longer than 20 years. In the wild, males seldom live longer than 10 years, as his wound from continuous battle with rival males greatly reduce their longevity. They typically inhabit savanna and grassland, although they may take to bush and forest. Lion is a common social compared to other cats. A pride of lions consists of related females and offspring and a small number of adult males. Female lions typically hunt groups together, chew most of the large ungulates. Lions are apex predators and key, even if they carry on as opportunity allows. While lions do not typically hunt humans, some have been known to do. Sleep, especially during the day, especially lions night, even bordering crepuscular in nature.

Very special, lion easily recognized by surainya, and the face is one of the most abundant animal symbols in human culture known. Filming has been there from the Upper Paleolithic period, with carvings and paintings from the Lascaux and Chauvet Caves, through virtually all ancient and medieval cultures where they once occurred. This was abundantly represented in sculptures, in paintings, on national flags, and in contemporary films and literature. Lion was kept at Menagerie since the time of the Roman Empire, and has been a key species sought for exhibition in zoos around the world since the end of the 18th century. Zoo cooperating worldwide in breeding programs for endangered subspecies of Asia.

Lion is the highest (in the shoulder) of all living cats, on average about 14 cm (5.5 in) higher than the tiger. Behind only the tiger, the lion is the second largest living felid in length and weight. Skull very similar to the tiger, although the frontal region is usually more depressed and flattened, with a slightly shorter postorbital region. Lion skull nose have wider openings than the tiger. However, because the amount of skull variation in the two species, usually, only the structure of the lower jaw can be used as a reliable indicator of species.

Lion color varies from light buff to yellowish, reddish, or dark ochraceous brown. The hamsters are generally lighter and the tail shaft of black. Lion were born with brown roses (spots) on their body, more akin to a leopard. Although fade as lions reach adulthood, faint spots often may still be seen on the legs and hamster, especially in the brown bear.

Lions are the only members of the cat family to display obvious sexual dimorfisme - that is, men and women seem quite distinct. They also have specialized roles that each gender plays in the pride. For instance, the lioness, the hunter, has a thick mane man. Color varies from brown male manes to black, generally becoming darker as the lion grows older.

Weight for adult lions range between 150-250 kg (330-550 lb) for males and 120-182 kg (264-400 lb) for females. Nowell and Jackson report average weight of 181 kg (400 lb) for males and 126 kg (280 lb) for females. Lions tend to vary in size depending on their environment and area, so prevalent in the weight recorded. For instance, lions in southern Africa tend to be about 5 percent heavier than in East Africa, in general.

Head and body length is 170-250 cm (5 feet 7 to 8 ft 2 in) in males and 140-175 cm (4 ft 7 to 5 ft 9 in) in females, high shoulders are up to 123 cm (4 ft ) in males and as low as 91 cm (3 ft) in females. Tail length 90-105 cm (2 ft 11 in - 3 ft 5 in) in males and 70-100 cm in females (2 ft 4 in - 3 ft 3 in).

Lion known the longest, almost 3.6 m (12 ft) in total length, is a male black-maned shot near Mucsso, southern Angola in October 1973, the heaviest lion known in the wild is the eater shot in 1936 in outside Hectorspruit in eastern Transvaal, South Africa and weighs 313 kg (690 lb). Other particularly outsized male lion, who was shot near Mount Kenya, weighed in at 272 kg (600 lb). Lions in captivity tend to be larger than lions in the wild - the heaviest lion on record is a male at Colchester Zoo in England named Simba in 1970, which weighed 375 kg (826 lb). However, often cited maximum head and body length 250 cm (8 ft 2 in) more appropriate to form the Pleistocene extinction, such as the American lion, even with large modern lions measuring several centimeters shorter.

Its most distinctive feature shared by both females and males is that the tail ends with a bunch of hairy. In some lion, sheaf hide a "backbone" hard or "spur", approximately 5 mm, formed from the end of the tail bone fused together. The lion is the only felid to have a tufted tail - a bundle of functions and spine are unknown. Present at birth, a sheaf grow around 5 ½ months of age and is readily identifiable at 7 months.

Lions spend much of their time resting and are inactive for about 20 hours per day.  Although lions can be active at any time, their activities generally peaks after dusk with a period of socializing, treatment, and defecation. Intermittent spray activities follow through the night hours until dawn, when hunting most often occur. They spend an average of two hours a day walking and 50 minutes eating.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Saltwater Crocodile a Indo-Pacific Animal

Saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus), also known as alligator mouth or Indo-Pacific, the largest of all living reptiles. This is downright predatory, opportunistic and adaptable happened enough range. It is found in suitable habitats from Northern Australia through Southeast Asia to the east coast of India, historically ranged as far west off the east coast of Africa and as far east as Japanese waters. Sometimes, a saltwater crocodile will attack and kill humans, though generally one side of the conflict of human support, because it has a crocodile skin is very appreciated.

The saltwater crocodile has a longer snout of the crocodile marauder, its length is twice its width at the base. The saltwater crocodile has little fertilizer in the neck plate than other crocodiles. In this species, a pair of points along the mountains away from the center of snout. Scutes oval scales small compared to other species.

Extensive body of adult crocodiles, saltwater crocodiles contrast to most of the other slim, leading to early unverified assumptions reptiles are crocodiles. Very large head. Skull length more than 75 cm (30 in) have been confirmed for the species and the length of the mandible have been reported up to 98.3 cm (38.7 in.) (long skull women over 50 cm (20 inches) unusual). Teeth too long, with the largest teeth (fourth from the front teeth in the lower jaw) have been measured up to 9 cm (3.5 in) long. If detached from the body, the head of a very large male crocodile is reported to increase more than 200 kg (440 lb) only.

Young, saltwater crocodiles pale yellow with black lines and spots on the body and tail. Staining lasted for several years until maturity crocodiles into adulthood. Color as adults far more dark greenish-boring, with some areas brown or light gray sometimes clear. Some color variations are and some adults may defend skin pale enough while others may be so dark so it appears black. Ventral surface is white or yellow in color large crocodiles of all ages. Stripes appear on the underside of the body but does not extend to the stomach. Their tails are gray with black stripes.

Saltwater crocodile hatchlings measure about 25 to 30 centimeters (9.8 to 12 in) long and weighing an average of 70 grams (2.5 oz). At the time of their second year, a young crocodile to reach 1 meter (3.3 feet) and weighs 2.5 kilograms (5.5 lb). Men reach sexual maturity at around 3.3 meters (11 feet) in about 16 years, while females reach sexual maturity at 2.1 meters (6.9 feet) and 12-14 years. A salt-water crocodiles weight adult men is 400 until 1000 kilogram (880 to 2.200 lb) and length is usually 4.1 to 5.5 meters (13-18 feet). However, adult males can exceed 6 meters (20 feet) high and weighs more than 1,000 kilograms (2,200 lb), and this species is extant crocodile only to regularly reach or exceed 4.8 meters (16 feet).

Weight may vary based on the condition of very large and old, men who are older tend to be larger than the younger because they defend key territories with access to better, more abundant prey. For example, crocodiles at 4.8 meters (16 feet) in length has ranged from a variety of mass 522 kg (1,150 lb) to 1,000 kilograms (2,200 lb). This species has the greatest sexual dimorfisme of every modern crocodiles, with far fewer female than male. Special body length ranges from 2.3 to 3.5 meter girls (8-11 feet).

Adult females kept at Australia Zoo usually have weighed around 100-150 kilograms (220-330 lb). A wild female average length of 2.7 meters (8.9 feet) are rumored to be weighing around 80 kg (180 lb). The largest female on record measuring around 4.2 meters (14 feet). The average weight of a whole species about 450 kilograms (1,000 lb).

Largest size, saltwater crocodiles can reach is the subject of controversy. For some time, the longest crocodile ever measured snout-to-tail and verified was dead crocodile skin, which is 6.2 meters (20 feet) long.

As skin tends to decline marginally after removed from the carcass, this crocodiles living length was estimated 6.3 meters (21 feet), and it can have a weight of more than 1,000 kilograms (2,200 lb). Other crocodile species is more than 6.1 m (20 ft) have been reliably reported good or confirmed in the past. Long official record for crocodiles from Australia is 6.15 meters (20.2 feet) to a specimen killed at McArthur River in June 1960.

Other monsters Australia shot 16 years after that, an old man who is nicknamed "Big Gator" which has become the norm predatory local cow, found after shot was measured 6.1 meters (20 feet) and weighs 1097 kilograms (2420 pounds). Tape measure in Papua New Guinea is 6.32 meters (20.7 feet) to the specimen was shot in May 1966 along the northeast coast. This specimen has a thickness of 2.74 meters stomach (9.0 feet) other famous New Guinea monsters, which sank after being bound in fishing nests in 1979, is a specimen measuring 6.2 meters (20 feet) long skull 72 centimeters (28 in).

There are many statements that larger crocodile, sometimes known far beyond measure, as expected from a large reptile. James R. Montgomery, who manages the plantation near Lower Kinabatangan Wetlands Segama in Kalimantan from 1926-1932, claimed to have caught, killed and many crocodiles examined more than 6.1 meters (20 feet) in there, including specimens it claims is measured 10 meters (33 feet ). However, no one is confirmed scentifically Montgomery specimens and no known voucher specimens. Skull crocodile shot in Orissa, India, which claimed to measure 7.6 meters (25 feet) in life, when given scientific examination, which allegedly originated from long crocodile with no more than 7 meters (23 feet).

Other salt-water crocodiles in the 7.6-to-9 meters (25 to 30 ft) range has been claimed: the crocodile shot in the Bay of Bengal in 1840, reported at 10 meters (33 feet), the other was murdered in 1823 in Jalajala on the main island of Luzon in the Philippines reported at 8.2 meters (27 feet), a reported 7.6 meters (25 feet) crocodile killed in the Hooghly River in the Alipore District of Calcutta.

However, examination of the animals skull 'really shows animals from 6 to 6.7 meters (20 to 22.0 feet). A crocodile shot in Queensland in 1957 was reported to be 8.63 meters (28.3 feet) long, but no verified measurements made and no residues are crocodiles there. A "replica" of this crocodile has been made as a tourist attraction. Many other unconfirmed reports of crocodiles exceeding 8 meters (28 + ft) have been made but this is highly unlikely.

With the recent restoration of habitats, saltwater crocodiles and reduced poaching, vera 7 meters (23 feet) probably still alive today. Guinness has accepted a claim from one meter 7 - (23 ft), 2,000 kg (4,400 lb) male, saltwater crocodiles live in Bhitarkanika Park in the state of Orissa, India, though, because as difficult to capture and measure the living crocodile very large, the accuracy of this dimension has not been verified.

In September 2011, a 6.17 meter (20.2 feet), saltwater crocodile caught alive in the Philippines, making it one of the largest specimens ever reliably measured snout-to-tail. This specimen, nicknamed "Lolong" and weighs around 1,075 kilograms (2370 pounds), has a past as a possible man-eaters and are continue to live as attraction at the local zoo.

Generally very lethargic - a trait that helped him survive for months at a time without food - the saltwater crocodile usually loiters in the water or basks in the sun through much of the day, preferring to hunt at night. A study of the seasonal behavior of the saltwater crocodile in Australia showed they are more active and more likely to spend more time on the ground in the summer of Australia and less active and spend relatively more time basking in the sun during the winter of Australia.

The saltwater crocodile is opportunistic top predators able to take almost all the animals that enter its territory, whether in water or on dry land. Like many crocodiles, they are simple unpicky eaters prey selection varies according to availability but not voracious eaters, because they can survive on relatively little food in a long time. Salt-water crocodiles can take animals from almost any variety for being available to them and, because of great strength and size of the species, may take a wide prey of every modern crocodiles.

Teenagers constrained to feed on small animals such as insects, amphibians, crustaceans, small reptiles, and fish. The larger the animal grows, the greater the variety of animals, including the eating pattern, although relatively small prey water (especially fish) make up an important part of the diet even in adults. Potential salt-water crocodiles adults can eat any animal within their reach. Bushmeat taken by crocodiles adults can range from small to large and grace, including monkeys, kangaroos, wild pigs, Dingos, snakes, turtles, goannas, other lizards, amphibians, water buffalo, and even sharks Human gaurs and all types of livestock in state or pets can be opportunistic as victims.

Ground-living birds (including emus) and every kind of water birds can prey. Even the birds and bats can fly quickly pounce if they come close to the surface of the water. They are dominant over other crocodiles, orderly outcompeting and sometimes kill and eat other species, as has been noted mostly with freshwater crocodiles in Australia. Domestic cow, horse, buffalo, and gaur, all of which can weigh over a ton, are considered as the biggest victim is taken by male crocodiles. Perhaps the Asian elephant and Asian rhinoceros species is the only non-marine animal species in this range 'that is not known ahead of crocodiles.

Salt-water crocodiles can swim in the 15 to 18 miles per hour (6.7 to 8.0 m / s) in a short burst, about three times as quickly as the fastest human swimmer, but when the tour they usually go at 2 to 3 mph ( 0.9 to 1.3 m / s). Able to spray the salt water crocodile boom speed when launching an attack from the water, but the crocodile story becomes faster than a horse race for the short distance across the ground a little more than an urban legend. At the water's edge, however, where they can combine propulsion from both feet and tail, they can be large enough speed, although rare eyewitness.

A crocodile waiting for prey to approach typically the water's edge before striking, using great strength to drag the animal back into the water. Many prey animals killed by the impact of large jaw pressure of the saltwater crocodile, although some animals killed because submerged after the crocodile was pulling them into the water. This is a very powerful animal, in one case, a one-ton horse Suffolk known to carry more than two tons being pulled into the water to its destruction by a large saltwater crocodile man. A giant crocodile can crush a full grown bovid's skull between his jaw. 5.2 m (17 ft) long, saltwater crocodiles have been confirmed as having the strongest bite force ever recorded for animals in laboratory-.

This great man able to apply the values ​​of bite force 16,458 newtons (3,700 lbf), or equivalent to 158,874 kilograms (350,260 pounds) pounds per square inch (PSI), and thus beyond the previous record of 9,452 newtons (2,125 lbf) made by 3.9 meters (13 feet) long American alligator. Special hunting, saltwater crocodile is a technique with large prey known as the "death roll": it grabbed the animal and strong reels.

This threw every big game fighting off balance, making it easier to drag into the water. Like all crocodiles, but sharp teeth peg-like fit to seize and kill prey many, but they are not suitable for ripping flesh from large prey items such as tooth and claw growth of many mammalian carnivore or hooked bill and claws of wild birds.

While the victim, such as fish and crabs which they swallow whole, greater victim of a saltwater crocodile that pulled her around after they murdered, often well in a "roll off"-like action or being tossed back and forth in the air, until the limbs or cuts separating meat and can be swallowed.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Nile Crocodile Wild Life

Nile crocodile or alligator general (Crocodylus niloticus) is an African crocodiles are common in Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Egypt, Tanzania, Burundi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Gabon, South Africa, Malawi, Sudan, South Sudan, Botswana and Cameroon. There is also an isolated population in Madagascar and Senegal.

In the old days, Nile crocodiles occurred in the Nile Delta and the Zarqa River (Jordan), and they are recorded by Herodotus was inhabited Lake Moeris. They unexpectedly stalling in the Seychelles in the early 19th century. They are known from fossil remains have been inhabited Lake Edward. Nile Crocodile current distribution range extends from Senegal River, Lake Chad, Sudan and Wadai to Cunene and Okavango Delta. In Madagascar, crocodiles occur in the west and south of Sembirano to Port Dauphin. They are sometimes seen in Zanzibar and Comoros. Until recently, many permanent water in the Sahara still housed relict populations.

In East Africa, they are mostly found in rivers, lakes, marshes, and dams. They have been known to enter the sea in some areas, with a specimen that has seen 11 kilometers (6.8 miles) from St. Lucia Bay in 1917. In Madagascar, they have adapted to living in caves.

This species previously considered to extend to West Africa, but this population is now recognized as a distinct species, crocodiles desert.

Nile crocodiles have a dark bronze colouration above, with black spots on the back and a dirty purple on the belly. Hip, yellowish green in color, have dark spots set in oblique lines. There is some variation relative to environment, specimens from the fast-flowing water tends to be lighter in color than live in lakes or swamps. They have green eyes.

Like all crocodiles, the Nile crocodile is a quadruped animal with four short, legs outstretched, a long tail, strong, scaly hide with rows of stiff Scutes flowing back and tail, and a strong jaw. This nictitating membrane to protect the eyes and tear glands to clean his eyes with tears. Nostrils, eyes, and ears are situated on top of the head, so that the entire body can remain concealed underwater. Color also helps to disguise themselves, youth gray, multicolored, or brown, with darker cross-bands on the tail and body. Until they become due, become darker and dull cross-band, especially on the body. Belly yellowish green, and make high-quality leather.

They normally crawl along on their bellies, but they can also "high walk" with their trunks raised above the ground. Smaller specimens can be driven, and even a large alligator able to surprise spray speeds, briefly reaching up to 12 to 14 km / h (7.5 to 8.7 mph). They can swim much faster by moving their body and tail with a meandering way, and they can maintain a longer form of movement around 30 to 35 km / h (19 to 22 mph).

They have the heart of a four-room, although altered to their ectothermic nature as an elongated cardiac septum, similar physiological heart of a bird, which is especially effective oxygenating their blood. They usually dive only a few minutes, but will remain under water for 30 minutes if threatened, and if they remain inactive they can hold their breath for up to two hours. They have an ectothermic metabolism, so that it can survive for long periods of time between meals-even as they eat, they can eat up to half their body weight at a time.
They have a rich vocal range, and good hearing. Their skin has a number of poorly understood integumentary sense organs (ISOs) that can respond to changes in water pressure.

Bite strength provided by adult Nile crocodile has been shown by Dr. Brady Barr to measure 5.000 lbf (22 kN). However, the muscles responsible for opening the mouth are exceptionally weak, allowing a man to easily hold them shut with a small amount of power. Their mouths are filled with a total of 64 to 68-cone-shaped teeth. On each side of the mouth, there are five teeth in the front of the upper jaw (premaxilla), 13 or 14 around the upper jaw (maxilla), and 14 or 15 on both sides of the lower jaw (mandible). Hatchlings quickly lose a piece of hardened skin on the top of their mouth called the egg tooth, which they use to break through their shell at birth.

Outside water crocodiles can meet the competition from dominant savanna predators, especially cats such as lions and leopards. Sometimes, the two big cats and crocodiles will hunt and prey on each other, depending on the size, if regular food became scarce.

Nile crocodile is the largest crocodile in Africa and is sometimes regarded as the second largest after the crocodile saltwater crocodiles. Male crocodile usually measure from 3.5 to 5 meters (11 to 16 ft) long, but very old, the adult can grow up to 5.5 m (18 ft) or more. Like all crocodiles they are sexually dimorphic, with males up to 30% larger than females, although the difference is even more in some species, such as salt water crocodiles.

Adult female Nile crocodile size from 2.4 to 4 m (7 ft 10 to 13 ft 1 in). Nile crocodiles Special weight is 225-500 kg (500 to 1.100 lb), although a large male can range up to 750 kg (1,700 lb) in mass. Male largest accurately measured, was shot near Mwanza, Tanzania, measured 6.47 m (21.2 ft) and weigh about 1,090 kg (2,400 lb).

Seven meters and larger specimens have been reported, but as a general measure of gross too high, this report is suspect. The largest living specimen is purported to be the eater from Burundi named Gustave, it is believed to be more than 6.1 m (20 ft) long. Monster rare today, before the heavy hunting the 1940s and the 1950s, a larger population base and more extensive wetland habitats meant more monsters.

There is evidence of Nile crocodiles from cooler climates like the southern tip of Africa became smaller, and can reach lengths of only 4 m (13 ft). Dwarf Nile crocodiles also exist in Mali and in the Sahara Desert, which was only 2 to 3 m (6 feet 7 to 9 ft 10 in) long. Reduced their size is probably the result of less than ideal environmental conditions, not genetics.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Freshwater Crocodile is Endemic Animal

Freshwater crocodiles (Crocodylus johnsoni or Crocodylus johnstoni), also known as the Australian freshwater crocodile, Johnston's crocodile or colloquially as freshie, is a species of reptile endemic to northern Australia.
Unlike the much larger relative to their Australian saltwater crocodiles, freshwater crocodiles are not known as man-eaters and rarely causes casualties, although they will bite in self-defense if cornered.

Freshwater crocodiles are relatively small crocodile. Males can grow up to 2.3 to 3 m (7.5 to 9.8 ft) long, while females reach a maximum size of 2.1 m (6.9 ft). Men are usually weighs about 70 kg (150 lb), with large specimens up to 100 kg (220 lb) or more, on a woman's weight of 40 kg (88 lb). In areas such as Lake Argyle and Katherine Gorge there are several certified 4 meters (13 feet) of individuals. This type of nozzle shy and have more lean than saltwater crocodiles are dangerous. Brown body color with dark tape on the body and tail - these tend damaged near the neck. Some individuals have different bands or spots on the nose. Body scales relatively large, with a wide, strong armored plate on the back. Rounded, rocky scales cover the hips and outsides of the feet.

Eggs are laid in holes during the dry season Australia (usually in August) and hatched at the beginning of the rainy season (November / December). Crocodiles defend their nest during incubation. From one to five days before hatching, the young people started calling from inside the egg. This induces and synchronize hatch on siblings and stimulate adults to open the hive. It is not known whether adults were granted open nest egg laying female. As a young boy emerged from the nest, adults take them one by one at the end of his mouth and carry them to the water. Adults can also help in solving the young through the egg shell with chewing or manipulate eggs in their mouths.

Freshwater crocodiles found in the state of Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory. Main habitats include freshwater wetlands, billabongs, rivers and streams. They compete poorly with saltwater crocodiles, but this species is tolerant of salt water. Adult crocodiles eat birds, bats, reptiles, amphibians and fish, although larger individuals may take prey as large as a wallaby. This species can live in areas where saltwater crocodiles can not, and is known to inhabit the region on the slopes of Kakadu National Park and in a very dry and rocky (as Katherine Gorge, where they are common and relatively safe from saltwater crocodile during dry season). However, they still consistently found in the lower level billabongs, living alongside the saltwater crocodile near the tidal river.

Until recently, freshwater crocodiles are common in northern Australia, especially where saltwater crocodiles are not present (such as the drier inland areas and higher elevation). In recent years, the population has dropped drastically due to the use of the invasive Cane Toad. Frog is poison for freshwater crocodiles, although not for saltwater crocodiles, and frogs that predominated throughout the wilderness of Australia. Crocodiles are also affected by Griphobilharzia amoena, a parasite trematoda, in areas such as Darwin.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

American Alligator Large Endemic Animal

American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), sometimes referred to colloquially as alligator or crocodile general, large crocodiles are reptiles endemic to the Southeast USA. This is one of two living species in the genus Alligator of the family Alligatoridae and larger than other crocodile species that still exist, the Chinese alligator. American crocodiles inhabit freshwater wetlands, such as marshes and cypress swamps from Texas to North Carolina. It is distinguished from the American crocodile sympatric by a wider nose, with overlapping jaw and dark colors, and less tolerant of sea water, but more tolerant of cold climates.

Alligators are apex predators and take fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Teens eat invertebrates. Alligators also play an important role in wetland ecosystems through the creation of "crocodile pit" that provides wet or dry habitat for other organisms. During mating season, males bellow and use infrasonik to attract females. Eggs are laid in the nest plant, wood, leaves, and mud in a sheltered spot in or near water. Young are born with yellow tape around their bodies and are protected by their mothers.

American Crocodiles registered as Least Concern by the International Association for the Conservation of Nature. Historially, hunting has devastated their populations and American crocodiles registered as endangered species by the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Further conservation efforts have allowed them to increase the number and the species was removed from the list in 1987. Alligators now harvested for skins and meat. Is the official state reptile species from three countries: Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi.

Crocodiles can live up to 30 to 50 years. In adult male American alligator, the average length of 3.4 m (11 ft), while the smaller women, the average of 2.6 m (8.5 ft). Sometimes, man, big old can measure more than 4 m (13 ft). There were reports during the 19th century and 20 more great men reached 5 to 6 m (16 to 20 ft). Reported the greatest measure of a man is killed in 1890 at Marsh Island, Louisiana and reportedly measured at 5.8 m (19 feet) in length but no voucher specimens are available from crocodiles that live in the muddy bank having been recorded as a was too large to move.

Adult male may weigh about 227 kg (500 lb) while females weigh about 91 kg (200 lb). Wild crocodiles range from long and short slender and strong, probably because of variations in factors such as growth, the level of diet and climate. Alligators have a broad nose, especially in individuals captivity. When the jaws are closed, the edges of the upper jaw teeth cover the lower jaw that fits the pressure '. As Caiman bespectacled, this species has a dorsal nasal bone, although less prominent. Dorsal, adult crocodiles may olive, brown, gray or black while their undersides beige. Total 74-84 teeth.

While on the ground, good with large alligator moving or walking, the last involving reptiles lift her stomach off the ground. Extensive than other crocodiles and alligators are not equal to the area of ​​salamanders and lizards, which is similar to running. Thus two forms of motion can territorial terms "running low" and "high walk". Unlike most other states vertebrate, crocodile increase their speed through the distal end of the proximal limbs.

In water, crocodiles swim like a fish, moving hips and tail area from side to side. American alligator holds the record as having the strongest bite of any measured laboratory animals live, measured up to 9,452 newtons (2,125 lbf) in laboratory conditions. It should be noted that this trial has not been published at the time the paper was replicated in other crocodiles and laboratories being able to measure the strength of a larger bite of the saltwater crocodile. During respiration, the air flow in accordance with, the recurrence through the lungs during inhalation and production.

Some alligators are missing genes to inhibit melanin, which makes them albino. This alligator is very rare and almost impossible to find in the wild. They can survive only in captivity because they are exposed to the sun and predators.

American crocodile found in the United States most of the Southeast, from the Great dismal Swamp in North Carolina, south to Everglades National Park in Florida and west to the southern tip of Texas. They are found in the U.S. state of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma. Alligators inhabit marshes, streams, rivers, ponds and lakes. Women and youth are also found in Carolina Bays and other seasonal wetlands. While they prefer freshwater crocodiles sometimes enter brackish water more. But they were less tolerant of saline water from the crocodile as salt glands on their tongue is non-functional. A study of the crocodile in the north-central Florida found that men prefer the open lake water during the spring while the women used water district well and open heath. During the summer season, men still prefer open water while the girls stuck to the swamp to build their nests and lay their eggs. Both sexes may den under bank or trimmed trees for winter.

Alligators modify some wetland habitat, flat areas such as the Everglades, to build a small pond called "crocodile pit". This creates wet or dry habitat for other organisms, such as plants, fish, invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. In the cypress swamps lime recession, alligator holes tend to be large and deep while in the marl prairie and rocky glades are usually small and shallow depression and those wetlands peat ridge and drop more different. Not appear to have a hole made a huge impact as a. Alligators are also able to control the long-term dynamics of vegetation in wetlands by reducing populations of small mammals, particularly nutria, which might otherwise over-grazing marsh plants. In this way, they provide important ecological services that may be important in reducing the loss of coastal wetlands in Louisiana.

American crocodiles are less susceptible to cold than American alligators. Unlike the crocodile, who will be giving up on cold and immersed in water at 45 ° F (7.2 ° C), crocodiles can survive in such temperatures for some time without any signs of discomfort. It is estimated that this is the reason why adapting American alligators spread farther north of the American alligator. In fact, the American alligator found far from the equator and be better prepared for cooler conditions than other crocodiles. When the water starts to freeze, crocodiles stick their snout even surface that allows them to breathe on ice.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Mugger Crocodile is Subcontinent Indian Animal

Mugger Crocodile (Crocodylus palustris) (literally "crocodile of the marsh"), also called the Indian, Indus, Persian, or marsh crocodile, is found throughout the Indian subcontinent and the surrounding countries. This is one of three crocodiles found in India, the other is a crocodile and saltwater crocodile.

The name "Mugger" is the corruption of Magar Urdu word which means "water monster". This in turn derived from makara, Sanskrit word for crocodile.

Mugger Crocodile have 19 teeth on each side, the muzzle is 1 ⅓ to 1 ½ as long as broad at the base, rough head but without the mountains, simfisis mandibular teeth, extending even to the fourth or fifth stage, pre-Maxillo-maxillary suture, on the ceiling , transverse, nearly straight, or curved forward, and the nasal bone separating pnemaxillaries. Nuchals four large square shape, with a smaller on each side, two pairs nuchals smaller transverse series behind oksiput. Dorsal shield well separated from the nuchal, the Scutes usually in 4, rarely in 6, longitudinal series, those of the two median usually much larger than the old one, 16 or 17 transverse series. Keeled scales on the leg. Fingers webbed at the base, outside the holistic webbed toes. A serrated fringe on the outer edge of the foot. Adult blackish olive above: young pale olive, dotted and black look. The largest specimen in the British Museum measure 3.7 m (12 feet), but the individual is said to grow much larger.

On average, women are 2.45 m (8.0 ft) long and the male is 3.05 m (10.0 ft). Weight in adults is variable, because the big boys can be much heavier built from small adult female, and can range typically from 40 to 200 kg (88-440 lb). Old, an adult male can be far greater, until 4-5 m (13-16 ft) and weigh more than 450 kg (1000 pounds). Despite the more than 4.3 m (14 ft) are very rare, the biggest mugger in large entry measured 5.2 m (17 feet) long. Mugger Crocodile can reach speeds of around 8 mph over short distances in the pursuit of faster prey.They can swim 10 to 12 mph in short bursts, when they go on a tour of about 1 to 2 mph.

Mugger Crocodile were found in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, the southern tip of Iran, and probably in Indo-China and at one point, even in southern Iraq. Mugger are only crocodile found in Iran and Pakistan. Crocodiles are the most common and wide from three species of crocodiles in India, far numbering saltwater crocodile which is far greater in the state (and most likely in neighboring countries).

In the 1980s, the largest population of wild crocodiles in Tamil Nadu, South India living in Amaravathi Reservoir and the Chinnar, Thennar and pambar river that drains into it. Here their total estimated population of 60 adults and 37 sub-adults. The Amaravati Sagar Crocodile Farm, Established in 1975, there, is the largest crocodile breeding in India. Eggs collected from wild nests along the perimeter of the dam that will hatch and raised on a farm. There are up to 430 animals kept in captivity at a time. Hundreds of adult crocodiles have been rolled back from here to the wild.

Pakistan's population is estimated at between 400 to 450 animals found in coastal areas and rivers from Sindh and Baluchistan. Estimates for the number of animals in Sindh in 160, while in Balochistan the estimated total is 64, while only 24 looks in there, sources in the Sindh Wildlife Department said, requesting anonymity.

In the Makran coast of Iran, on the Chabahar found approximately 200 mugger corocodiles. They custom Sarbaz River, River Shoulder Kalat, Pishin wood and river basins in the province of Baluchistan. Due to human activities and that the long drought the late 1990's, early 2000's, the robbers had driven to the brink of ruin for several years.

After several tropical cyclones like Gonu Cyclone and Cyclone Yamyin in 2007, and Cyclone Phet in 2010, most of the robbers Iran crocodile habitat has been restored as a dry lake and hamuns have flooded again. The animal is known as Gando in the local vernacular Iran.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Black Caiman Conservation Dependent animal

The Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger) is a large crocodile. This is a carnivorous reptile that lives along slow-moving rivers and lakes, in the seasonally flooded Sabana Amazon basin, and in other freshwater habitats in South America. Once public, was hunted to near extinction for its skin especially commercially. Now listed as Conservation Dependent. Overall, a little known species, is not examined in detail until the 1980s, when the skin trade has taken casualties.

The Black Caiman has a dark, scaly skin. Skin coloration helps with camouflage while hunting the night, but also helps absorb heat (see termoregulasi). Mandible has gray banding (brown in older animals), and pale yellow or white band present in the sides of the body, although it was much more prominent in adolescence. This appeal only gradually fade as the adults. Ridge of bone extending from the eye under the spout, as seen in other Caiman, are present. Big eyes, as befits most evening activities, and brown colors. Mother's vigil near their nest tormented by blood sucking flies that gather around their eyes red leaves them vulnerable.

The Black Caiman are structurally different from other species Caiman, particularly in the form of a skull. Compared with other Caiman, it has clear eyes bigger. Despite the relatively narrow snout, skull (given the size of the species' much larger) is far greater than the whole other Caiman. Greatest length of skull can range over 62 cm (24 in). Black caiman crocodile relatively stronger than other comparable length. For example, a 3.9 m (13 ft) adults were found to have the skull of a heavier and longer than 4.8 m (16 ft) Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus).

Young black Caiman Caiman can be distinguished from large bespectacled with their head proportionately larger and a short tail, and the color of the jaw, the colored light and dark Spectacled Caiman with three dark spots on black Caiman.

The Black Caiman reptile is one of the largest remaining. This is the largest predator in the Amazon basin and the largest member of the family may Alligatoridae. Most adult black caiman 2.8 to 4.26 meters (9.2 to 14 ft) long, with a few old males grow larger than 5 m (16 feet) and weigh more than 400 kg (880 lb). Sub-adult male specimens around 2.5 to 3.35 m (8.2 to 11.0 ft) will weigh about 95-100 kg (210-220 lb), about the same size as adult females, but will quickly increase in the number of large and heavy. Secondary adult male 3.5 to 4 m (11-13 ft) weighs about 300 kg (660 lb).

The Black Caiman extensive overlap in size with American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), although on average larger at maturity. In some areas (such as the Araguaia River) this species consistently reported in 4 to 5 meters (13-16 feet) long, much larger than crocodiles (who rarely even reach 4 meters), although specimens of this size are rare.

Some broad-reported but not confirmed (and probably most of the anecdotes) reported that the source of black Caiman can grow to more than 6 m (20 ft) long and weigh up to 1,100 kg (2,400 lb). In South America, two other crocodiles reportedly reached the same size: American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) and Orinoco crocodile (C. intermedius).

Chinese Alligator is Critically Endangered Animal

The Chinese alligator (Chinese simplified, Chinese traditional, Alligator sinensis) is one of two known living species of Alligator, a genus in the family Alligatoridae. This is only natural for China Eastern.

While appearance is very similar to the only other living member of the genus, American crocodiles, there are some differences. This species usually only reach an adult length of 5 feet (1.5 m) and a mass of 80 pounds (36 kg). Male unusually large has reached 7 feet (2.1 m) long and 100 pounds (45 kg) weight. Reports are crocodiles in China reached 10 feet (3.0 m) in the last century, but now generally regarded apokrif. Unlike the American alligator, Chinese alligator fully armored, even belly is armored, which is characteristic of only a few crocodile

Although these ranges through much of China, wild habitat of this species' was reduced to little more than a few pool of 100 to 200 people along Lake Tai and lower Yangtze River in the province of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and. Population reduction was largely due to habitat conversion to agricultural use. Most of the common wetland habitat they have been transformed into a field. Poisoning rats, which then feed the crocodile, also being blamed for their decline. In the last decade, very little wild nests have been found, and even less to produce offspring eligible.

China crocodile species listed as CITES Appendix I, which places extreme restrictions on trade and exports around the world. This IUCN Red Listed as endangered species. Efforts to reintroduce breeding animals into suitable wild habitat, but so far have not met with much success.

Chinese alligator productive enough in captivity, with an estimated total population of more than 10,000 breeding animals, especially in Anhui Research Center of Chinese Alligator Reproduction and Madras Crocodile Bank, as well as in many zoos, including St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park has successfully bred Chinese alligators and have been fortunate enough to release some of them back to the wild in China. They can also be seen in the reptile house of the Toledo Zoo, Cincinnati Zoo, Memphis Zoo, St. Louis Zoo, the Philadelphia Zoo, and San Diego Zoo. In order to ensure the survival of the species', the Chinese alligator hatched in a zoo in the United States are being introduced back into the wild in China.

Chinese alligator habitat especially endangered because of pollution and habitat reduction as they are turned into fields and for destruction since farmers consider them a threat.

In some restaurants and food centers in China booming district, young crocodiles and premature allowed to roam freely with their mouths taped shut. They were then killed for human consumption, such as in China crocodile meat suspected to cure flu and prevent cancer. In China organs from China Alligator sold as a remedy for a number of diseases. This species is widely considered to be quite tame, however, as the crocodile, it is capable of mangling berat.Zoological Park has successfully bred Chinese alligators have been fortunate enough to release some of them back to the wild in China. They can also be seen in the reptile house of the Toledo Zoo, Cincinnati Zoo, Memphis Zoo, St. Louis Zoo, the Philadelphia Zoo, and San Diego Zoo. In an attempt to ensure the survival of the species', the Chinese alligator hatched in a zoo in the United States are being introduced back into the wild in China.

Chinese alligator especially endangered because of habitat and reduction of pollution as their habitat changed into fields and because of the destruction since farmers consider them a threat.

In some restaurants and food centers in China booming district, young crocodiles and premature allowed to roam freely with their mouth closed record. They were then killed for human consumption, such as the Chinese alligator meat suspected to cure flu and prevent cancer. In Chinese organs from Chinese Alligator sold as a remedy for a number of diseases. This species is widely considered to be quite tame, however, because the crocodile, it is capable of heavy mutilation.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Spectacled Caiman River Habitat Animal

The spectacled Caiman (Caiman Crocodilus), also known as White Caiman or General Caiman, crocodiles are reptiles found in most of Central and South America. They live in a variety of wetlands lowland and river habitat types and can tolerate salt water as well as fresh, as part of this adaptation is the most common of all crocodile species.

The Spectacled Caiman is a small to medium sized crocodile. The male of the species is generally 1.8 to 2 m (5.9 to 6.6 ft), while females are smaller, usually around 1.2 to 1.4 m (3.9 to 4.6 ft). The body mass adult Spectacled Caiman is between 7 and 40 kg (15 and 88 lb). Maximum reported size for the species is 2.5 m (8.2 ft), with a body mass 58 kg (130 lb). Largest females reported 1.61 m (5.3 ft) long and weighs 20 kg (44 lb). Caiman from Venezuela Llanos reported large-bodied than specimens from Mexico. Common names of species' originated from the spine hill between the eyes, giving the appearance of a pair of glasses. Special alligator whole ash-green color, this species has been known to change color. During cold weather black pigment, found in their skin cells, will expand to make them look darker.

The bespectacled Caiman will reach sexual maturity any where from 4 to 7 years. Usually the more dominant person will fall faster tempo. They will gather and mate during the dry season. After the mating season ended female will build a nest of dense vegetation. Nest size range depending on the resources available to females. Each female can store up to forty eggs. The larger female has recently been found to spawn larger than smaller females lay eggs. Most caimans will nest during the rainy season. It is very unusual to see a Caiman nest every winter. Temperature that is too low for the eggs.

Temperature is important for egg grow. Females will build their nests in a way that insulates them from extreme temperature changes. The nest is made from plants. as deciduous plants warm nest egg product that can take care of about five degrees warmer than if they were isolated by mud alone.

Temperature not only incubates the eggs, but also determine the sex Caiman grow. Caiman does not have the genes needed to determine the sex. They depend on the temperature. When the temperature inside the nest is around 31 degrees Celsius, or lower, Caiman will be boys. However, when the temperature is around 32 degrees Celsius or higher they become females. Caiman young do not hatch with dark green color from their parents. They are yellow with black spots. This color will eventually fade.

Caiman bespectacled have behavior very protective mother. They raise their children in Creches, own and manage a female descendant several others'. They will take care of their children during the first two to four months after the eggs hatch. This is the time required to flooding during the rainy season subsides.

These species benefit from competitive over-hunting species occupying the same home range. This allows them access to a power source usually have disappeared into another species. They will not want to produce skin because their skin contains osteoderms. Only skin on their bodies that contain no osteoderms are their side. Because the hunting of this species is very low. In most countries, this species is hunting laws. Venezuela permit hunt each fall, giving a total kill did not exceed 150,000 for the season.The skin that was saved, will be harvested. It is generally found sold on the American market, it is sometimes misconstrued as Alligator mississippiensis.

There are about four million common Caiman found in Venezuela. Recent studies show that the population is expected to rise. This is an example of how well a species able to adapt. However, it is difficult to determine how well the species is done on a global scale since the population who do not do well in other countries, including Peru and El Salvador. Although often confused as this species, very large population living in the Pantanal Brazil Caiman is a separate species, Caiman Yacare.

More up-to-date survey is needed for clarification, and to examine the interaction between the different subspecies. Jobs more taxonomy would make control measures easier to implement, as currently identification of different subspecies can be difficult. The main threat to this species and subspecies are currently poaching. Smuggling rings operating through Thailand and Singapore are extremely damaging to individual populations, and measures greater control and laws that effectively required.

According to the Endangered Species List vera:. "The subspecies C. c apaporiensis is under heavy threat in Colombia Feral populations of C. Crocodilus create problems for other species of crocodiles and native wildlife, but this population has been established in three countries .. The population was introduced in Cuba. Allegedly been primarily responsible for the dramatic decline and probable disappearance of Crocodylus rhombifer from Isla de la Juventud. "

Conservation programs that are used in many countries. The most common form of conservation is the use of crops, reduce the number manually or several wild species, and abundant. Long-term effects have not been found, more research has been approved. There are also farming or ranching program, however, they appear to be more expensive and possibly less effective.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Yacare Caiman South America Animal

The Yacare Caiman (Caiman yacare, jacare in Portuguese) is a species Caiman found in the center of South America, including northeastern Argentina, Uruguay eastern Bolivia, central / western Brazil, and Paraguay rivers.

Around 10 million people in the Pantanal Caiman Yacare Brazil, represents what is very likely the single largest populations of crocodiles on Earth. As a middle-small-sized crocodiles, most adult male individuals grow to around 2 or 2.5 m (6.6 or 8.2 feet) long, with an occasional 3 m (9.8 ft) individuals (there have been reports of occasional 4 m (13 ft) of individuals in the Pantanal, but this is unconfirmed). Females are considerably smaller on average 1.4 m (4.6 ft). Body mass in this species can range up to 58 kg (130 lb) in males and 14-23 kg (31-51 lb) in females. Relatively small size makes them a favorite prey jaguar and anaconda.

This diet consists mainly of fish species (especially piranha) and birds, with occasional capybara carried by larger adults. In general, all types of Caiman (Exceptions may be large black Caiman) are incapable of seriously harming or consuming humans.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wildlife of Gharial

The Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) is a family of crocodiles from the original Gavialidae Indian subcontinent and also mentioned gavial crocodiles and fish-eating. As the species has experienced a good long-term and short-term chronic rapid decline was registered as Critically Endangered by the IUCN.

Gharial is one of three original crocodile India, apart from the crocodile and saltwater crocodile robbers. This is one of the longest of all living crocodilians.The Nepali word Ghara means earthenware pot, pitcher, watervessel.

Gharial is characterized by very long, thin jaws, considered as an adaptation to the fish-dominated diet. Men reach up to 6 m (20 ft) with an average weight of around 160 kg (350 lb).

This is a dark olive or light upon the dark cross-bands and spots on the head, body, and tail. Dorsal surface becomes dark gray-almost black in about 20 years. Ventrals yellowish white. The neck is elongated and thick. The dorsals are more or less restricted to the median from behind. The fingers are very short and thick with web emarginated. Men develop a perforated nose protrusion at sexual maturity.

Growth rounded at the tip of their nose called Ghara used to adjust and strengthen the "hiss" snorted through the underlying nostrils. Produced voice could be heard for nearly a mile on still. The Ghara make gharials the only extant crocodile with sexual dimorfisme seen. Despite Ghara function is not well understood, it seems to be used as an indicator of visual sex, as voice resonators, or bubble or related sexual behavior.

The average size of mature gharials is 3.5 to 4.5 m (11 to 15 feet). The maximum record size is 6.25 m (20.5 ft). Tukik estimated 37 cm (15 in). Young Gharials can reach a length of 1 m (3.3 ft) in eighteen months.

Average weight range 159-250 kg (350-550 lb). Men generally reach a total length of 3 to 5 m (9.8 to 16 ft), while females are smaller and reach a length of the body to 2.7 to 3.75 m (8.9 to 12.3 ft).

The nozzle, narrow elongated limited by 110 sharp teeth interdigitated, and be proportionally shorter and thicker as animals age. Lateral tail growing nicely flat and webbed hind feet provide exceptional maneuver capability in marine habitats. On land, however, an adult Gharial can just push yourself forward and glide with his stomach. Laterally compressed tail works well to motivate animals and as a base to attack their prey.

Some 27 to 29 above and 25 or 26 lower teeth on each side. These teeth are not received into interdental pits, mandibular teeth first, second, and third in the notch in the upper jaw. Front teeth are the largest. Narrow snout and long, with a widening at the tip and nose bones are relatively short and are widely separated from the pre-maxillaries. Gharial nasal opening that is smaller than the supra-temporal fossa. Lower anterior margin of orbit (Jugal) is raised and simfisis mandible very long, extending even to the teeth 23 or 24.

A dorsal shield is formed from four longitudinal series of juxtaposed, fell unconscious, and composed of bone scales. Long nozzle is 3.5 (in adults) to be 5.5 times (in young) the extent of the nozzle base. Scutes nuchal and dorsal shield continuous form consisting of 21 individuals or 22 transverse series. Outside line Scutes Gharials have soft, smooth, or weak fainted while Scutes dorsal bone. They also have two small post-occipital Scutes. The toes of the external two-thirds webbed, while the middle finger is just one-third webbed. They have a powerful symbol on the outer edges of the arms, legs, and feet. Typically, adult gharials have dark olive color tone while young pale olive, with dark brown spots or cross-bands.

Three largest examples reported is 6.5 m (21 ft) Gharial lost in Gogra River of Faizabad in August 1920; 6.3 m (21 ft) individual shot in Cheko River of Jalpaiguri in 1934, and monsters from 7 m (23 ft), which was shot in north Bihar Kosi River in January 1924. Although specimens over 6 m (20 ft) are not rare in, the last person that significant current whereabouts unknown.

More improve swimming ability, relative Gharial cylindrical body, as opposed to the body, broader strapping from saltwater or Nile crocodile is built to capture a variety of prey from the riverfront.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Wildlife Animal of African Leopard

The African Leopard (Panthera pardus pardus) is a leopard subspecies occurring in most of sub-Saharan Africa. In 2008, leopards classified as Near Threatened IUCN, said that they will soon qualify for Vulnerable status due to habitat loss and fragmentation. They are becoming increasingly rare outside protected areas. Tendency population declined.

African Leopards show a great variation in coat color, depending on location and habitat. The coat color varies from pale yellow to brownish yellow or gold, and sometimes black, and patterned with black roses, while the head, lower leg and stomach looks with solid black color. Greater male leopards, the average 60 kg (130 lb) to 91 kg (200 lb) be the maximum weight attained by men. Women weighing about 35 to 40 kg (77-88 lb) on average.
Between 1996 and 2000, 11 adult leopards radio-necked in Namibia farmland. Men weighed 37.5 to 52.3 kg (83-115 lb) only, and women from 24 to 33.5 kg (53-74 lb).

Leopards inhabit the mountains of Cape Province appear physically different from leopards further north. Their average weight may be only half of the more northern leopard.

Used African leopards occur in most of sub-Saharan Africa, occupying good rain forests and arid desert habitats. They are found in all habitats with annual rainfall above 50 mm (2.0 in), and can penetrate areas with less than this amount of rainfall along the river flow. They revolve very up to 5,700 m (18,700 ft), was seen in the high slopes of the Ruwenzori and Virunga volcanoes, and observed when drinking hot water 37 ° C (99 ° F) in the Virunga National Park.

They appear to be successfully adapted to the changing natural habitats and living environment without persecution. There are many records of their presence near major cities. But already in 1980, they have become rare in much of West Africa. Now, they remain patchily distributed in North Africa limits.In history, small relict populations remain in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco.

African leopards inhabited a variety of habitats in Africa, from mountain forests to grasslands and savannas, including only very sandy desert. They are the most at risk in the area of ​​semi-desert, where the rare resources often leads to conflict with farmers, nomads and their livestock.

Leopards are generally most active between sunrise and sunset, and kill prey more current. In the Kruger National Park, leopards, male and female cheetah with her relatively more active at night than solitary females. The highest level recorded for daytime activities leopards using thorn bushes during the rainy season, while impala are also using them.

They have a remarkable ability to adapt to changes in the availability of prey, and have a very broad pattern of eating. Small prey taken where large ungulates less common. Victims range from leopard known dirt to Elands adult beetles, which can reach 900 kg (2,000 lb). In sub-Saharan Africa, at least 92 prey species have been documented in their diet, including rodents, birds, small and large antelopes, hyraxes and hares, and arthropods. They generally focus their hunting activity on locally abundant secondary ungulata species in 20 to 80 kg (44 to 180 lb) range, while opportunistic take another victim. Average distance between ungulata kill ranged between seven and 12 to 13 days.

In Serengeti National Park, leopards are radio-mobilized for the first time in early 1970. They hunt at night was tough to watch, the best time to see them after dawn. From their 64 day shoot only three are successful. In the forest, they preyed mostly in impala, both adults and youth, and the deer a few Thomson in the dry season. Sometimes, they managed to hunt wild boar, sister-sister, Reedbuck, Duiker, calves Steenbok, and reindeer hats, jackal, rabbit, guinea fowl and starlings. They were less successful in hunting zebra, kongonis, giraffe, fox, genet, hyraxes and small birds. Pemulungan from large animal carcasses comprise a small portion of their food. In tropical rain forests in Central Africa, their food consists of small duikers and primates. Some individual leopards have shown a strong preference for trenggiling and porcupines.

Leopard-men often kill large cache in a tree, the behavior of the great strength required. There are several observations leopards transporting young giraffe carcass, estimated to weigh up to 125 kg (280 lb), which is 2-3 times the weight of leopards, up to 5.7 m (19 feet) into the tree.

Their diet includes reptiles, and they will occasionally take domestic livestock when other foods are scarce. Leopards are very hidden and as close trailing and running with a relatively short distance after their prey. They kill by suffocation by grabbing their prey by the throat and bite with their powerful jaws. They rarely fight other predators for their food.